The Danette Gaitros Endowment Fund exists to support the long-term sustainability of St. Peter Catholic Student Center. Gifts of $500+ to the endowment are commemorated through an engraved leaf added to the Giving Tree in the narthex of St. Peter. The Giving Tree honors the life of Danette Gaitros and celebrates the generosity of so many who support us. The endowment is managed by the Catholic Foundation of Austin.
Please fill out our "Securities Donation Form" and contact Maria Whitworth at 254-757-0636 or [email protected].
Securities Donation Form
Make a gift of securities to St. Peter Catholic Student Center through the Diocese of Austin. Contact Lisa Rosenburger to initiate your stock transfer.
*You must be at least 70 1/2 years old to make a disribution directly from your IRA. However, at any age you can make St. Peter Catholic Student Center a beneficiary of all or a percentage of your IRA.